![brak zdjęcia](img_www/none.jpg)
Krakow is a very beautiful and charming place. You can walk around the city virtually without end. In fact, this city is worth a visit. Strolling the streets of Krakow can discover its secrets, you can admire it. Krakow is one of the oldest cities in our country and it has its great importance. This means that it is a city full of secrets, curiosities, full of history. In fact, it"s the cities, somebody practically living history. Thanks walks through the city, you can explore the story. However, wandering around Krakow rather not end up in the one day. So let"s plan your hostel. You can find them by typing even a German phrase "hostel Krakau" in a search engine. Whether you write it in this or in another language, as mentioned, even the "hostel Krakau" will allow you to find the best hotels in the city. You will find there for sure also our hotel, which is one of the most interesting and certainly better places in which you can rest in Krakow. Take advantage of our offer and spend with us a few interesting days.
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